2023台灣設計館+不只是圖書館|單日票| TDM+NJL One-Day Pass
Taiwan Design Research Institute operates three major venues at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park - Taiwan Design Museum, Not Just Library, and Design Pin, and aims to integrate the features of the three venues for expression of everyday design and aesthetics education.
台灣設計館|Taiwan Design
Officially opened in 2011, “Taiwan Design Museum” is the first Chinese “design” themed museum in the world. The museum’s collection includes classic design products that hold significant meaning in Taiwan’s design development history. The museum also periodically holds special exhibitions on different topics and interdisciplinary fields that introduce international and domestic design trends and award-winning design works. Through thematic curation and holding design exhibitions in different fields, life aesthetics and aesthetics education were transmitted to the public.
不只是圖書館|Not Just Library
Not Just Library is Taiwan’s first designed-themed library and has a collection of more than 20 thousand design publications and 100 magazine titles from around the world Not Just Library is “not just” a place which collects lots of books; it’s a medium that provides different perspectives and inspirational ideas, thereby is a place to see what is happening in the world.
■ 開放時間 Opening Hours:
- 台灣設計館 Taiwan Design Museum|週二(Tue)至週日(Sun),10:00 ~ 18:00
- 不只是圖書館 Not Just Library|週二(Tue)至週日(Sun),10:00 ~ 18:00
- 週一及特殊日休館;(113年)特殊休館日為農曆年節(2/9除夕 – 2/12初三)、端午節(6/10)、中秋節(9/17)。
- 開放時間若另有特殊異動,將公佈於臉書、IG。
Closed on Monday and Specific Holidays (Specific Holidays are Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Lunar New Year); Closed during Lunar New Year from New Year's Eve to the Second Day of the New Year
■ 購票資訊:
- 現場:「設計點」服務台
- 線上:售票系統
- 購票方式:現金(現場)、信用卡、Line Pay。
- 憑當日門票,可於營業時間內自由進出「台灣設計館」及「不只是圖書館」。
■ 購票資訊:
- 門票:50元
- 團體票:40元(10人以上團體,請至現場購票)
- 優待票:免費(須符合以下資格,請至現場購票)
- 7歲(含)以下學齡前兒童,須有20歲以上成人陪同
- 65歲(含)以上長者
- 身心障礙者及其監護人或必要陪伴者一人
■ 入館須知:
- 門票為台灣設計館與不只是圖書館單日暢遊券,尖峰時段執行人數控管,請見諒。
- 館內請不要喧嘩與奔跑。
- 在不影響他人可進行拍攝,不能使用閃光燈。商業攝影需事先申請。
- 攜帶寵物進入設計館,請將寵物置於提袋/籠內,並以不落地為原則;圖書館不宜攜帶寵物入館 。導盲犬不在此限。
- 圖書館為木質地板,入館前請換室內鞋。
- 書籍閱畢請放入書車,雜誌請歸回原位。
活動及票務資訊 Event and ticketing information
場館|Location TDRI|台灣設計館+不只是圖書館 交通資訊»
日期|Date 2023/01/01(日) ~ 2024/01/31(三)
價格|Price 50元
連絡資訊|Contact 設計點 / TEL: 0227458199#279
販售期間|Period of Sale 2023/01/01(日) 09:00 ~ 2023/12/24(日) 23:59